How To Extract Credential Data Using KeyScout

Hello, this is Keith Lockhart from Oxygen Training, and this video is going to discuss the KeyScout application. The KeyScout application is one of the tools available in the tool suite concept of the Forensic Detective product. KeyScout is a

Considerations When Investigating Data From Password Managers

by Dr Tristan Jenkinson In part one we discussed the importance that data from password managers could play in an investigation. In part two we then looked at what aspects an investigation may include from a digital forensics perspective. We

The Potential Importance Of Information From Password Managers

by Dr Tristan Jenkinson There have recently been a number of articles discussing the use of common passwords and encouraging better password practices. Most guidance includes the recommendation not to use the same password for different accounts. This makes sense

Digital Forensics: Iron Bars, Cement And Superglue

by James Zjalic When most people think of digital forensics they think of CSI Miami: hackers in hoodies and Mission Impossible type biometrics. But under the superficial exterior, there is a framework of laws, regulations, best practices, guidelines, and standards