
The following items are available as part of annual advertising packages designed to meet the needs of our small, medium and large advertising partners. To request a PDF file with full details, including pricing, please contact us.

Large Company Logo

Clickable company logo linked to advertiser’s URL, displayed top of right hand sidebar.

Small Company Logo

Clickable company logo linked to advertiser’s URL, displayed top of right hand sidebar below the large logos.

Press Releases/Job Vacancy Listings

Press releases/news items and job vacancy listings offering visibility on the homepage and RSS news feed and additional promotion on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.

Banner Advertising

Four positions/sizes: A 728×90 leaderboard located prominently above the fold, a 300×250 medium rectangle positioned in the right hand menu, a 468×60 banner below forum topics and the homepage and a 300×50 banner for mobile devices.


In-depth explanation, accompanied by screenshots and/or video, of a particular feature or capability of a product or service.


Product or training reviews by Forensic Focus or an independent 3rd party reviewer.


Interviews with members of your organisation for publication at the Forensic Focus website and inclusion in the monthly newsletter.


Webinars are a highly effective method of engaging and interacting with the Forensic Focus readership.

Basic Webinar

Pre-recorded webinar publishing, offering the following:

– A dedicated page at Forensic Focus with embedded, pre-recorded webinar video and full audio transcript.
– A notification email sent to Forensic Focus members on the day the webinar is published.
– Inclusion of the webinar on the Forensic Focus YouTube channel.
– Promotion of the webinar through the following channels:
– Forensic Focus homepage news item
– Forensic Focus Twitter account
– Forensic Focus Facebook page
– Forensic Focus LinkedIn group
– Presentations will remain available for viewing both at the Forensic Focus site and YouTube channel for a minimum period of 6 months.

Premium Webinar

For advertisers wishing to receive participant registration details and/or host live or interactive webinars. This package includes:

– The ability to receive participant registration details and/or host live or interactive webinars (NB: advertisers must use their own system to accept registrant details and/or host live webinars).
– An email mailshot linking to the webinar’s registration form sent to the Forensic Focus membership.
– A second email mailshot linking to the registration form sent a few days later.
– A dedicated page at Forensic Focus with an embedded version of the recorded webinar video with full audio transcript.
– Inclusion of the webinar on the Forensic Focus YouTube channel.
– Promotion of the webinar through the following channels:
– Forensic Focus homepage news item
– Forensic Focus Twitter account
– Forensic Focus Facebook page
– Forensic Focus LinkedIn group
– Forensic Focus Newsletter
– Recording of presentations will remain available for viewing both at the Forensic Focus site and YouTube channel for a minimum period of 12 months.