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Forensic Audio

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I just wondered if there was a specific forum for Forensic audio professionals, I've read most of Scientific Working Group on Digital Evidence guidelines.

My only question is once you've enhanced some audio should you output at a higher bit rate than the original source? as it's been processed or keep it the same?


Thank you

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Posted by: @imarealboy

I just wondered if there was a specific forum for Forensic audio professionals, I've read most of Scientific Working Group on Digital Evidence guidelines.

My only question is once you've enhanced some audio should you output at a higher bit rate than the original source? as it's been processed or keep it the same?


Thank you

As long as you can explain what you are doing, or in some cases take a small sample and preform that enhancement in front of a judge or jury, you'll be OK.

There are some technical terms you would need to explain along with the filters used, frequencies dropped, walls, clipping, etc.

