Device information:
Currently I am having difficulty backing up the device's contacts and switching to a similar device for some other technical processing.
Do you have any solution to connect the device to Windows 10 computer and backup contacts? Thanks.
Does anyone have any ideas? Please
Seems to be based on MT6260 chipset. It's possible that Xry supports this. You can also try with flasher boxes like Infinity, Miracle etc.
it's speadtrum
it's speadtrum
Do you know which one exactly? Infinity CM2SP2 and CM2SCR supports many Spreadtrum chipsets. Maybe it would work with one of their generic loaders. Xry also has good support for SPD based devices.
Have you tried this:
I'm Try but not cucess
Seems to be based on MT6260 chipset. It's possible that Xry supports this. You can also try with flasher boxes like Infinity, Miracle etc.
Currently, I don't have flasher boxes like Infinity, Miracle etc. But I have "Hydra Dongle" and it also supports many MTK Chipset and also Spreadtrum chipsets. But all my attempts to connect to the phone have been unsuccessful. Do you have any instructions for connecting. Thanks
@arcaine2 i'm sorry its mtk future phone, log from cm2 :Â
1. Power Off Phone, Remove battery, Insert back 2. Insert USB cable. In some cases require hold BootKey ('*') Wait for phone ... Phone found! [46] Sync ... Sync Ok, read regs ... Inital regs read done Boot Info: BB_CPU_ID: 6260 BB_CPU_HW: CB00 BB_CPU_SW: 0000 BB_CPU_SB: 8000 BB_CPU_NM: [MediaTek] MT6260_S0000 BB_CPU_SN: 5247FE1E89BE1D6D60CE462867BB8A66 BROM Protocol Version: 05 Setting ... Setting done, result code 0x000E BROM stage done Seek and prepare DownloadAgent DownloadAgent matching HW Found! DA verify and select done Sending DA to target ... InitRes: 00000000 DEV [0]: EF00 4000 1900 0000 DEV [1]: 0000 0000 0000 0000 DA_INFO: 0xC0, Ver: 3.2, BBID: 0x8B DA_CSTAT: 0x5A SOC_VERIFY: 0xC1 BOOT_STYLE: SF_FLASH_BOOT NOR Flash IC initialized [0]: FLASH_VEN: 0x00F6, [WINBOND] W25Q256FV [0]: FLASH_DIE: 00EF 0040 0019 0000 [0]: FLASH_LEN: 0x02000000 INT_RAM: 0x0000D000 EXT_RAM: 0x00800000 Reading Flash Content now ... Read Flash now Read Ok, 33554432 bytes read Check and collect compile info File_Info: SANGFEI60_11B_E560_RU_PCB01_gprs_MT6260_S00.E560_M6260A_1533_V15A_RU.bin FileVersion: E560_M6260A_1533_V15A_RU Saved to: C: \ InfinityBox \ CM2MTK \ Read_out \ SANGFEI60_11B_E560_RU_PCB01_gprs_MT6260_S00.E560_M6260A_1533_V15A_RU.bin Done! Elapsed: 00:02:01 Reconnect Power / Cable!
Seems to be based on MT6260 chipset. It's possible that Xry supports this. You can also try with flasher boxes like Infinity, Miracle etc.
Currently, I don't have flasher boxes like Infinity, Miracle etc. But I have "Hydra Dongle" and it also supports many MTK Chipset and also Spreadtrum chipsets. But all my attempts to connect to the phone have been unsuccessful. Do you have any instructions for connecting. Thanks
I don't have Hydra myself, but from what i see on their website, they support smartphones only. Feature phones require different loaders and are supported with Infinity for example, as you see in the post above.