Criminals can hide. Only authenticating all humans can solve this. DC Digital Crime is based on anonymity, fake profiles and misuse of trust.
This dilemma only can be solved if every entering in the digital reaml is based on Uniqueness, simple ID-based (Chip-in-Human). But how will this work? At all times the humanity is a whole of a pre-birth to post-mortal (exhumification of human body parts) range.
How do you see to solve this?
The darkness of crime would become a global unsolvable problem to bring humans to accept the pre-birth in-chipping of humans. The implant would be as such that deplanting would lead to death.
Today the HDC in China is Cloud-backed and shown in the app on mobiles. But only the Cloud is permanent available if the mobile is mssing. To identify a unknown human by FR Facial Recognition may globally is too uncertain due to twins with same DNA or name doublets. A Chip-in-Human with RX/TX antennas on handwrists (single-entry-check) and forehead for in-motion-mass-control (e.g. airports) would store only a 10 exponent 9 GUID (like in BIOS or UFED). The eHealth Code will be the starting-trigger for pre-birth-chipping. The GCC Global Criminal Cloud as subsystem of Global Platform (existing) would prevent criminals going digital-online. Not by 2FA but by brain-chip.