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Help! Huawei Nova 2i (RNE-L22) device, problem Acquire and Analyzer Oxygen Forensics Detective (V14.3)

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        Currently, I am facing a very difficult problem.
        I successfully rooted the Huawei Nova 2i (RNE-L22) device, I used Oxygen to extract the Full file system using the ADB method (with full Root rights) and obtained the full 64GB of memory. But after analyzing, Oxygen could not analyze the call, contact and OTT chat applications on huawei devices (On Huawei phones there is a lot of data from contacts, calls, OTT chat, ... .). Can you guys help me with this case. I'm suspecting the decryption key hasn't been completely collected. hope you help.

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We've been advised that you are already receiving help on the matter from our support team. We hope they will help you find the solution."

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Posted by: @divogame

        Currently, I am facing a very difficult problem.
        I successfully rooted the Huawei Nova 2i (RNE-L22) device, I used Oxygen to extract the Full file system using the ADB method (with full Root rights) and obtained the full 64GB of memory. But after analyzing, Oxygen could not analyze the call, contact and OTT chat applications on huawei devices (On Huawei phones there is a lot of data from contacts, calls, OTT chat, ... .). Can you guys help me with this case. I'm suspecting the decryption key hasn't been completely collected. hope you help.

I'd suggest you to try with UFED and the Kirin Live method to see if it's any different. If not, then try the bootloader method, using ANE-LX1 profile. RNE-L22 should be still on EMUI 8.0.x so should work like this, hopefully allowing to decrypt everything correctly.


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@ arcaine2

Trở lại với bạn liên quan đến vấn đề này. Có vẻ như thiết bị đã chạy sẵn Android 8.

Nó không được hỗ trợ để khai thác Huawei Kirin.
Các tùy chọn duy nhất có sẵn cho thiết bị này là các phương pháp logic ”.
Các chuyên gia kỹ thuật của Oxygen đã nói với tôi như vậy. họ đã không thể làm điều đó. và tôi đã thử Ufed “kirin live”, “kirin Bootloader” và cả hai đều không thành công.
This post was modified 3 years ago by divogame

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Can't answer that. Write it english, please.

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“Coming back to your regarding this issue. It seems like the device has Android 8 on board.
It is not supported for Huawei Kirin extraction.
The only options available for this device are logical methods.” Oxygen's engineering team told me so. they can't do it.

and I tried Ufed “kirin live”, “kirin Bootloader” and both failed.

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@divogame ok, let's disect this. In your initial post you didn't mention that you've used Huawei Kirin extraction in Oxygen. You said that you used full filesystem method with root. It's not the same, and it implies that you have the phone already rooted.


Yes, you're correct, Oxygen does not support Kirin devices with Android 8.0.0 using this (Huawei Kirin) method. Xry does support them, Passware Mobile Kit may also work (i think they fixed it couple months ago so that's your other options) so that's your other options.


If your phone is really rooted, then you should be able to use "Android file system" method in Oxygen instead. That's not the one with testpoint, but the phone has to be rooted manually. Verify this, and then use correct option if possible.


When it comes to UFED. I specificially mentioned ANE-LX1 profile because it may, and it does behave differently. Overall, check what other Huawei devices uses Kirin 659 and try other profiles for those devices. Some work better, some worse. In my region, RNE-L21 is very common and while RNE-L21 profile in UFED does not work, ANE-LX1 profile works just fine for this phone for Mate 10 Lite. Tinker with that.


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i tried using XRY and Passware Mobile and it worked. Thank you very much. This is also a limitation of Oxygen Forensics. Hix
