We recently purchased the UFED w/dongle to use with Oxygen and MPE+.
Is the training worth it? Will I walk away with knowledge I could not have learned on my own?
Thanks for any feedback!
I can tell you that upon sucessful completion of the class you will walk away with a Certificate that you probably don't have.
The ascii code and sqlite data portions made my head spin because I don't do forensics past pushing buttons. I'm looking for CP and deleted content so a good portion of it was interesting but not what I needed. I received my certification through a vendor and not Cellebrite itself.
I'm not sure what business you are in, but if it has anything to do with the possibility of you testifying in Court as to what you obtained using the tool can you afford not to take the class?
What vendor did you use?
And yes, I'm a forensic analyst and it does involve testifying. Good point made.
CMDLabs. The Certifications would be a must for most employers, testifying and it would certainly be an extra feather in your cap if you were going to do any advertising on the web.
I took the CCLO and CCPA classes through H11. Kim Thomson was the instructor and the class was outstanding.
I took the CCLO/CCPA 5-day course back in February and just recently obtained the CCME cert.
Going into the class, I already had many years experience with the UFED devices and with PA so I wasn't really expecting too much.
The class itself was "ok" back then, mainly due to the location/personnel attending and it being the first time the instructor had to teach the new material. Since then, they have made TONS of improvements in the material (which is updated frequently).
Some co-workers have taken it within the past few months and were VERY pleased with the course overall. They tend to cover the basics for the new folks and dive a little deeper so the experienced ones can pickup tips and tricks as well.
As with any class, you may learn a little or lot, but at least you get the certs out of it.