I realize that Redline and Volatility are touted as superior (I have both) but I would still link to try Memoryze to view existing ram dumps. Please advise. Thank you.
If you see Redline and Memoryze touted as "superior", you may rely on a very old source. Both tools are outdated and have problems with Windows 10 mem dumps. No idea what they will do with a mem dump from Windows 11 or Server 2022.... 😮Â
There is only one free tool left as the de-facto standard: Volatility.Â
Invest your time in a Volatility training and forget the tools from the last decade.
regards, Robin
Thanks for the feedback. I mainly wanted to satisfy my curiosity with Memoryze. I did acknowledge Volatiity is a good tool "... Redline and Volatility are touted as superior...."