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recover micro sd

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dear all,

nw we have a micro sd. It's a 32 gb formatted in FAT32. the card was used on a android phone, and present his typical folders. Then the card has been inserted in a Dash Cam or something similar.

Now they want to recover the old content of the card. Screenshot of whatsapp messages. Usually for this kinf of job I use photorec and it work's. This time find only a few video that I can find normally.

Is is possibile to recover something?


Eminent Member
Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 23

So it was unreadable after insertion into the dashcam?

Possibly, the file system is corrupted, but the files are likely there.

Much software should be able to re-discover the files through their header.

If it was FAT32, orphaned directories should also be rediscoverable. These contain references to files.

Maybe the instructions here will help:


This post was modified 4 years ago 3 times by Heracleides
