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Sysinternals Suite Autoruns Issue

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Hi!  🙂

OK.  I've mounted an E01 file using OSF Mount and am trying to analyse it using the Autoruns feature of Sysinternals.  I type in the root (the drive is labelled D), which is D:\Windows in this case.  For the user profile I enter D:\Users\Default.  I have checked the checksums of the file and and yet Autoruns  kicks back an "error scanning offline system" message every time.  I am using the program with admin privileges.

Can anyone shed some light on this one?  I would be most grateful.  Cheers and kind regards


New Member
Joined: 1 week ago
Posts: 1

Hi @Feenix. Did you ever find a solution to this? I am getting the same issue. Autoruns is running as elevated admin, I have my offline Windows folder selected and my offline default user folder.

Kind regards,

