Using FTK file cont...
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Using FTK file content print feature to bulk convert files to PDF

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Hello, I have a need to consistently and quickly convert many word processed files in various legacy formats to PDF. For this task I regularly use a simple script to run LibreOffice headless to convert hundreds of documents exported from FTK. LibreOffice is great at processing many word-processed document formats, though for some older legacy formats, such as pfs:Write and Lotus, LibreOffice can garble text and insert unnecessary page breaks. One application that seems to be extremely adept at processing formatting characters in legacy document files is FTK itself. The content viewer is really amazing at filtering out the encoding that LibreOffice doesn't know what to do with. FTK is so useful for this that I often use the print feature to directly print text from the file content viewer to PDF. Printing hundreds of files to PDF, however, is onerous because there is no obvious way for FTK to automate this process for many files in a file list. Does anyone know of a way to exploit FTK's print to PDF feature as a bulk method for many files?
