ineed to know about password charecter lenght of android 10 or 11 in samsung models like a30 or a20 or a50
i know there is some field in xml file of huawei psmart "u0_lockscreen,hw_credential_len">24</stringÂ
this is hint to what is number of password charecter
i want to know about samsung bfu backup and how can i find this fieldÂ
becuse there more phone with password alphanumeric if i know about lenght of password i can make my own dictionary for bruteforce
i find locksettings.password_quality in locksettings.db to know about type of password and that can be simple or adcance with symbol but dont know about lenghtÂ
is there anyone to help me ?
Nowhere. Samsung, and most other vendors, doesn't store this information anywhere anymore on devices with FBE. Huawei is an exception, but it's not always there either.