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Wipe Ram

13 Posts
5 Users
Posts: 376
Reputable Member

And going back to the original question.

If you are worried about people looking at your hiberfil.sys file then do full disk encryption. This provides a lot more security that just trying to clean the hiberfil.sys.

Or use a self encrypting hard drive, like this one

Posted : 03/01/2013 7:45 am
Posts: 5133
Illustrious Member

Yes, that of full disk encryption is the same suggestion given on the linked to thread on

memory that is no longer used by any process, which is available to be allocated to other processes, but that still has not been resetted and contains the old values.

Good, but not enough.
Now, how one can find that memory space?

I mean, imagine - to simplify things - that you are using a machine with a limited amount of memory, let's say 1 Gb and XP (you can extend the sizes to later OS, but the reasoning will be the same).
The windows memory manager will reserve, for the OS working, a given amount of RAM, let's say 384 Mb.
Then you start programs, do whatever you do on the PC, and the size of memory allocated changes (grows).
At the limit (but let us exclude the case for now) it could also go over total physical RAM and start paging on hard disk (and/or some Windows optimization routine may anyway page to hard disk in order to keep more RAM free).
Then you close all the programs and memory used by the OS should "shrink" to the initial 384 Mb. (but it won't for a number of reasons).
IF it does, you may, as the OP in the given thread proposed to, create a RAMDISK in the 640 Mb of "free" RAM and "wipe" this virtual disk.
But you will still have the 384 Mb used by windows in which there may well be "pages" of memory that still contain some of the data of the programs you ran previously.
And remember that Windows have proprietary managing code for the memory (including the "optimizing" tricks mentioned before) and it is a multi-tasking system with several service running in the background and that can be "triggered" by *anything* and that may thus write *anything* to RAM or allocate *any* address at *any*time.
Afaik a given memory location can be in any given moment in a "status" of either

  1. unallocated by windows
  2. unused by windows but used before by it
  3. unused by windows but used before by it AND reserved for future use by windows
  4. used by windows
  5. [/listo]
    and the status of each is not "static" but rather "dynamic" so, unless you "hook" in real time the Windows Memory manager or - better - you write a replacement for it, you have no chances of getting what you would like to do.

    @trewmte and @Passmark
    The Clear Pagefile on shutdown is not reserved to Server OS, and JFYI, and limited to XP, it is possible to delete the pagefile on a running system (it will be recreated at next boot) as long as the RAM is not so filled up as to page consistently.


Posted : 03/01/2013 5:15 pm
Posts: 651
Honorable Member

I am thinking that in general this shouldn't be too difficult.

As a start you really just need to walk the process list and map the memory assigned to each process.

VMMap will give you a nice viusal guide of how a process uses memory.

You would then need to allocate such memory to your own process, or otherwise loick it, to prevent a process claiming it as you are wiping it - and then wipe it.

It would be hard of course to gurantee that you are getting all memmory, especially on a dynamic system. Just watching task mangler showing all processes reveals how much work is going on even when you are not working so to speak.

Posted : 11/01/2013 1:34 am
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