Jesse Lindmar on Digital Forensics Lab Quality Assurance and Accreditation

Christa: As technology’s advancements continue to outpace practitioner’s ability to keep up, standardizing digital forensics processes, practices and tools has never not been a hot topic in the community. The response ranges from the United Kingdom structured efforts to much

Lessons Learned In Digital Forensics Standardization: United Kingdom

Should digital forensics be standardized? Can it be standardized successfully? These questions have been hotly debated for a number of years, perhaps never more so than in recent years as digital forensics has become increasingly important in both criminal and

Cost-Effective Tools For Small Mobile Forensic Labs

by Alex Moeller As the costs associated with running a mobile devices forensic laboratory can be considered to be high, this article is aimed at providing alternative options for small organisations or individuals looking to reduce overheads.  Case Management Tools

ISO 17025 For Digital Forensics – Yay Or Nay

by Robert Merriott “Much of the digital forensic community desires to have their evidence seen in court as forensically sound and bulletproof, yet do not want to go through the rigors that other traditional forensic sciences have done to prevent