Alex Beddard, Investigator, Chainalysis

FF: Could you start by telling us a bit about your background in law enforcement and how you ended up as an Investigator at Chainalysis. I don’t remember a time when I didn’t want to join the police! I was

Changes To Forensic Laboratory Accreditation Requirements – ISO/IEC 17025

by Tim Alcock ISO/IEC 17025:2017 – General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories is the principal international standard for the accreditation of laboratories performing testing (including sampling) and/or calibration. Originating from ISO/IEC Guide 25, the standard has

How Do Criminals Communicate Online?

Flashpoint, a business intelligence agency specialising in the deep and dark web, recently published a report on the economy of criminal networks online. The report looks not only at where criminals go to communicate on the internet, but also how

InSig2 LawTech 2016 – Brussels 7th – 8th November

From the 7th – 8th of November 2016, Forensic Focus will be attending InSig2’s Law Tech Europe conference in Brussels, Belgium. If there are any topics you’d particularly like us to cover, or any speakers you think we should interview,

10 DFIR Blogs You Don’t Want to Miss

by Christa M. Miller Digital forensics is a tough job. Forensicators must evolve as rapidly as the technology does, which means being in a constant state of learning. Formal education is costly and can’t keep up. The next best alternative:

SC Congress London – Recap

This article is a recap of some of the main highlights from the SC Congress, held in London on the 10th of February 2016. Conference Highlights The day began with a panel discussion of EU data protection legislation, and what