Mobile Device Geotags & Armed Forces

In recent years it has been noticeable that the amount of people carrying a smart phone has increased exponentially. This is down to their low price and availability; even children as young as 12 have a smart phone. However, most

Android Tracking – from a forensic point of view

– Introduction – In my last article on iPhoneTracking, I tried to explain Apple’s crowd-sourced location based service. Obviously Android has to do something similar to provide a good user experience using location based services… Also back in April 2011

iPhone Tracking – from a forensic point of view

– Introduction – iPhoneTracking is sexy!!! Every mobile forensic suite, at least the ones dealing with iPhones, are providing it proudly. iPhoneTracking also has been a hot topic in the media all around the globe. People stated, that there is

Geotags: Friend or Foe?

by David Benford Director, Blackstage Forensics I recently wrote a research paper, “Geotag Data: The Modification of Evidence on the Apple iPhone”, based around the possibility of modifying geotag evidence on the Apple iPhone. A test was performed as part

Mobile Phone and GPS Forensics – Some Thoughts

First published February 2009 by Greg Smith Mobile Telephone Evidence & Forensics Mobile telephones are the predominate wireless telecommunications device throughout the world and most certainly in the UK they predominate other technologies, where ownership has reached well over

TomTom GPS Device Forensics

First published January 2009 Written by Ben LeMere ( & Andy Sayers ( For more information visit Introduction: The sales of portable navigation devices are at an all time high. Last year, more than forty million portable GPS devices