20th July 2020
24th July 2020
The DFRWS-USA Organizing Committee has been monitoring the COVID-19 situation and the challenges it has brought for conference and travel planning. In light of these challenges the committee has made the difficult decision to shift to a virtual on-line conference format the week of July 20-24, 2020.
Planning for the new format is still in progress, but it will feature the same keynotes — Leslie Carhart and Mari DeGrazi — as well as peer-reviewed papers, 5 workshops, and presentations. We are having another round of Call for Presentations, due June 1 — see below in the Participation section for more details. We plan to host the Forensics Rodeo as a CTF in a longer format, but you’ll be on your own for drink tickets.
We’ll have more details in the coming weeks, and will not open registration until we do. We are still open to sponsorship, contact usa-sponsorship@dfrws.org for more information.