UK Cyber 9/12 Strategy Challenge And CyberWomen Groups C.I.C.

Si Biles interviews Sophie Powell, Professor Sarah Morris, and Rob Black about the Cyber 9/12 Strategy Challenge. The challenge is an opportunity for students to experience a simulated cyber crisis and provide advice to senior government decision-makers.

Hacking Your Future: Education Choices For A Cybersecurity Career

Si and Desi talk to Gavin Prue and Selim Kang about their non-traditional paths into cybersecurity careers. They share their diverse educational backgrounds, from vocational college courses to returning to school later in life, and the hands-on training that helped

Becoming An Amped FIVE Certified Examiner (AFCE)

Si and Desi interview Emi Polito from Amped about their new certification called Amped Five Certified Examiner (AFCE). They discuss the exam requirements, format, timeline for certification, and Amped’s future plans. E

Protecting Victims From Stalkerware And Tech-Enabled Abuse

Si and Desi talk to Eva Galperin, Director of Cybersecurity at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, and Emma Pickering, Head of Tech and Economic Abuse at Refuge. They discuss the impact of digital forensics and incident response (DFIR) in cases of

Solving Digital Evidence Challenges With Oxygen Forensics

Si: Welcome friends and enemies to the Forensic Focus Podcast. Today, courtesy of a jet across the Atlantic, we have with us Lee Reiber, who is currently in London for the Oxygen Forensic Conference, I believe. Lee: That I am.

2023 E-Crime Symposium: Cutting Edge Topics In Digital Forensics

Register for your place at the 2023 E-Crime Symposium: Cutting Edge Topics In Digital Forensics, and enjoy a 50% discount using the code ‘HCL_CT50’ at checkout. Desi: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to Forensic Focus. We’ve got another podcast for you.

Teaching Digital Forensics With Professor Sarah Morris

Si: Welcome friends and enemies to the Forensic Focus Podcast. Today with us, we have a genuine rockstar of the digital forensics scene in the UK. I would say, star of stage and screen. I think stage is upcoming. When

Video Evidence Principles With Amped Software

Si: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, and anybody who decides they wish to be of any other attributable gender, welcome to the Forensic Focus Podcast. Today we are very lucky to have with us both Martino Jerian from Amped

European Interdisciplinary Cybersecurity Conference (EICC) 2023

Si: Okay. So, friends and enemies, welcome to the Forensic Focus podcast. A live, outside broadcast. Not live. Well, it’s live for us. It’s not live for you; you get it pre-recorded. We’re still alive. An outside broadcast today coming

Cellebrite’s Solutions To Current eDiscovery Challenges

Si: Welcome friends and enemies to the Forensic Focus podcast. Today we have Monica with us from Cellebrite, and we are going to have a reasonably wide-ranging discussion, touching on SaaS and workflows and a number of other things. Monica,

Programming Languages, Flipper And Gaming

Si: Right. So welcome to the Forensic Focus podcast, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, and anybody else who wishes to identify as anything else in between those variables. Desi and I today just going to have a nice catch