XAMN Report Builder From MSAB

by Feby Thealma, CEH, CHFI Reporting is one of the most important steps in digital forensic analysis. Reporting sums up every single step performed during the investigation and allows investigators to communicate with the intended audience regarding the output they

Granular Reporting in Oxygen Forensic Detective

Hello, everyone. Jordan here with the Oxygen Forensics training team. Welcome to another OxyCast webinar. Today, I’ll be showing you how granular the export options are in Oxygen Forensic Detective, and how to produce a report that will meet your

How to Export Report and Media in MD-VIDEO

We’ve been introducing various features of MD-VIDEO this year and this is the last episode of the how-to video of MD-VIDEO. You can learn how to export reports and media from MD-VIDEO.Check out various types of options to export reports

Writing DFIR Reports: A Primer

“How do I write a good DFIR report?” – Literally Everyone at some point You wouldn’t believe how many times that question gets asked out of me here at Marshall University (and sometimes in the DFIR community). Year after year I’ve

2010 report of digital forensic standards, processes and accuracy measurement

Joshua Isaac James, Pavel Gladyshev {Joshua.James, Pavel.Gladyshev}@UCD.ie Centre for Cybercrime Investigation University College Dublin Belfield, Dublin 4 Ireland 1. Introduction From December 7th 2010 to December 12th 2010 a survey on Digital Investigation Process and Accuracy was conducted in an