EviGator Digital Forensic release LISTView PRO

EviGator Digital Forensic announces LISTView PRO, a tool for the examination of XML and binary property list (PLIST) files. Property list files are used extensively on computers running Mac OS, iPhones, iPads and the iPod touch. LISTView PRO allows examiners

EviGator Digital Forensics release TAG Examiner

TAG Examiner is a new application that enables an examiner to quickly process large numbers of image files to identify any that contain GPS Coordinates (Geo-Tags). Once processed, the examiner can quickly identify images that are relevant to their investigation.

EviGator Digital Forensics release TAG View

TAG View is a free application that allows the Forensic Examiner to view EXIF Data and Geo-Tags embedded within digital images. TAG View uses Google Maps to display maps of coordinates that are embedded within images and allows the examiner

EviGator Digital Forensics release iPhorensic

EviGator Digital Forensics have released Version 1.0.0 of iPhorensic, a tool designed to recover data from iPhone backup files found on computers during an investigation. iPhorensic can also be used to examine files recovered directly from an iPhone using other