ISO 17025 For Digital Forensics – Yay Or Nay

by Robert Merriott “Much of the digital forensic community desires to have their evidence seen in court as forensically sound and bulletproof, yet do not want to go through the rigors that other traditional forensic sciences have done to prevent

Digital Forensics: Iron Bars, Cement And Superglue

by James Zjalic When most people think of digital forensics they think of CSI Miami: hackers in hoodies and Mission Impossible type biometrics. But under the superficial exterior, there is a framework of laws, regulations, best practices, guidelines, and standards

Challenges Of ISO 17025 Accreditation – Survey Results

A group of forensic practitioners has recently conducted a survey into the ISO 17025 scheme – its effectiveness, and its relevance for digital forensics. The survey was conducted using Google Forms and was aimed at forensic practitioners on the front

Unacceptable Acceptable Use Policy

I had an opportunity this week to be on the receiving end of an acceptable use policy (AUP) – something that I should experience each and every time I work for a new client on their hardware, but something that

Authenticating Internet Web Pages as Evidence: a New Approach

By John Patzakis [1] and Brent Botta [2] Previously, in Forensic Focus, we addressed the issue of evidentiary authentication of social media data (see previous entries here and here). General Internet site data available through standard web browsing, instead of

Overcoming Potential Legal Challenges to the Authentication of Social Media Evidence

By John Patzakis1 Summary: Social media evidence is highly relevant to most legal disputes and broadly discoverable, but challenges lie in evidentiary authentication without best practices technology and processes. This whitepaper examines these challenges faced by eDiscovery practitioners and investigators

Can Your Digital Images Withstand A Court Challenge?

The term “digital” in law enforcement is almost immediately associated with digital forensics, i.e.; computer crimes, cyber terrorism, child porn on computer hard drives, and other areas that require special training, expertise, and equipment to investigate these types of digital

Serving search warrants in Spain

First published January 2010 The expert witness perspective by Joaquim Anguas Abstract This article describes the most common schema and basic procedure in which search warrants related to computer evidence are served in Spain from the expert witness perspective, and