An Introduction to the Digital Forensics Field in Law Enforcement

Today law enforcement provides an enormous opportunity for digital forensics professionals to have a real impact on both the outcome of criminal cases and the development of the field. A good forensics examiner, for instance, knows how to chain evidence together and reliably present it in a court of law. This person plays a unique role within law enforcement as both a detective and technologist, understanding how to translate highly technical information to tell the story of the data to all parties involved—from the investigators to the judge to the jury.What can aspiring digital forensics professionals anticipate from a career in law enforcement? How do they prepare for it? Get an introductory overview of this unique environment, including information regarding the skills necessary for success and the stakeholders involved—first responders, police staff, FBI investigators, lawyers and judges—that digital forensics experts work with in their investigations, providing counsel and/or expert testimony.

Download “An Introduction to Digital Forensics in Law Enforcement” from (ISC) 2 to learn more about this growing field. (ISC) 2 , a global leader in the information security certification market, offers the Certified Cyber Forensics Professional (CCFP), the only global cyber forensics credential that provides a comprehensive validation of a candidate’s knowledge and skills as a digital forensics expert.

To download the white paper, click here.

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