CyberSecurity Institute announced yesterday that testing for the CyberSecurity Forensics Analyst (CSFA) certification will begin in November of this year, with overview sessions for the process kicking off this September. The new certification process stresses the skills needed for real world forensic analysis, cyber-crime solving and case management.”With the necessity for regulatory compliance with Gramm-Leach-Bliley, HIPAA, Sarbanes-Oxley, SEC, NASD and ISO regulations, businesses are realizing the need to have competent staff capable of conducting a proper computer forensic analysis from start to finish, with the knowledge to work with legal counsel, other forensic professionals, and law enforcement,” said Steve Hailey, President and CEO of CyberSecurity Institute, which is offering the new process.
“Digital/computer forensics is not just for law enforcement,” he added. “Computer forensic analysis is performed everyday in corporate environments to investigate electronic break-ins, misuse of computing resources and other company policy violations. There is also a growing need for digital forensics professionals to work on both criminal and civil cases. Possessors of the CSFA certification will have proven that they are competent and qualified.”
The CyberSecurity Forensics Analyst (CSFA) certification test validates the skills of those who perform forensic analysis of computing devices. The CSFA is a two-part, vendor neutral test that enables individuals to prove their knowledge and technical skills related to conducting sound and comprehensive forensic analysis. To obtain the certification, test candidates must complete an FBI Criminal Background Check, agree to a Code of Ethics and Conduct, and complete a written and hands-on test within a three-day period. All parts of the test are proctored, with the written and hands-on portions focused on real-world scenarios.
CyberSecurity Institute is actively joining with industry professionals to offer the CSFA test at various locations throughout the United States in second quarter 2006. The first tests will be given at Edmonds Community College in Lynnwood, Washington.
About CyberSecurity Institute:
CyberSecurity Institute is a leader in computer forensics services and training and provides computer forensic services to businesses, government, attorneys, and individuals. Forensic analysis services are provided to law enforcement agencies at reduced cost, with cases involving the exploitation of children being worked pro-bono.
The CSI flagship computer forensics training course – Computer Forensics Core Competencies – is currently offered at several community colleges throughout Washington State as well as California. More information is available online at or by contacting one of the following company representatives.
Steve Hailey or Mike Andrew
CyberSecurity Institute
Snohomish, Wa