Guidance Software announced today that the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has filed its test results on the company’s FastBloc(r) FE write blocker. The Guidance Software product performed at or above expectations by the governing body, indicating that the product is forensically valid…Digital evidence is playing an increasingly important role in investigations throughout the world and validation by NIST supporting the use of FastBloc in a court of law is incredibly important to the digital investigators who rely on Guidance Software’s products. FastBloc is now added to the expanding list of Guidance Software key offerings, including EnCase(r) Forensic and EnCase(r) Enterprise that have been validated by independent and well-respected third parties as forensically sound, and admissible in a court of law.
Founded in 1997, Guidance Software revolutionized computer forensic investigations with the creation of EnCase Forensic and has become a recognized expert in the field of digital investigations with years of case law supporting its products. In 2001, Guidance Software released FastBloc(r) which revolutionized the hard drive acquisition process by write-blocking hard drives, via a hardware device, to ensure forensically-sound acquisitions. In 2003, Guidance Software released EnCase Enterprise for faster, more complete computer investigations and incident response over a LAN/WAN. This ability to now conduct investigations and incident response across a global network, regardless of size, presents corporations and government agencies around the world with an enterprise-wide investigative reach, never before attainable.
“Guidance Software engineers its EnCase solutions to deliver capabilities that map directly to critical mandates and recommendations, including National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) recommendations, FISMA and various Department of Defense mandates,” said Ken Basore, VP of Research and Development for Guidance Software. “People that use our products need to know that they not only offer the best quality and investigative capabilities but that they are also admissible in courts around the world and this report goes a long way toward fortifying that confidence. We look forward to continuing our support of NIST in the important work that they do for organizations like ours and for the industry as a whole.”
About Guidance Software (GUID)
Guidance Software is recognized worldwide as the industry leader in digital investigative solutions. Its EnCase(r) platform provides the foundation for government, corporate and law enforcement organizations to conduct thorough and effective computer investigations of any kind, such as intellectual property theft, incident response, compliance auditing and responding to eDiscovery requests – all while maintaining the forensic integrity of the data. There are more than 20,000 licensed users of the technology, and thousands of investigators and corporate security personnel attend Guidance Software’s forensic methodology training annually. Validated by numerous courts worldwide, EnCase software is also frequently honored with top security awards and recognition from eWEEK, SC Magazine and Network Computing, as well as the Socha-Gelbmann.