Welcome to this month’s round-up of recent posts to the Forensic Focus forums.
Forum members discuss how to image a server with RAID 5.
Can you recommend some good website capture applications?
How would you image a Dell 5290 2 in 1 tablet? Share your thoughts on the forum.
Athulin gives an in-depth explanation of how to find out whether an individual is using a remote access tool.
Forum members discuss the examination of Vuze config files.What program would you use to parse a VMDK file listing? Share your thoughts on the forum.
Forum members discuss timestamps on Windows 10.
Can you help irfanion to recover data from Excel files using EnCase?
Does GDPR affect forensic investigations? Help with this student project by answering the poll on the forum.
Forum members discuss iOS mobile forensic acquisition with Magnet AXIOM and Oxygen Forensic Detective.