Welcome to this round-up of recent posts to the Forensic Focus forums.
Is there a piece of software that will load an FTK filelist CSV and display it as a tree?
Forum members discuss the difficulties with playing or converting .stream files when the original device has been corrupted.
How can malware be caught in the act of collecting and sending data?
Is there a way to extract live SMS from a Blackberry Q-10? Join the discussion in the forum.
Forum members discuss whether it is possible to edit a video while it is being recorded, and how to tell if this has happened.
A variety of software programs can be used to analyse and export PList and .db files from an iPhone 5.
What is the best software to use when viewing pictures in a timeline? Forum members suggest Ghiro, Adroit and Reconnoitre.
Computer Science or Information Technology – which is the best major for someone who intends to work in digital forensics?