How Secure Is Your Password?

How many passwords does an average Joe or Jane have to remember? Obviously, it’s not just one or two. Security requirements vary among online services, accounts and applications, allowing (or disallowing) certain passwords. Seven years ago, Microsoft determined in a study that an average user had 6.5 Web passwords, each of which is shared across about four different websites. They’ve also determined that, back then, each user had about 25 accounts that required passwords, and typed an average of 8 passwords per day.

It didn’t change much in 2012. Another study determined that an average person has 26 online accounts, but uses only five passwords to keep them secure, typing about 10 passwords per day. CSID has a decent report (opens as PDF) on password usage among American consumers, discovering that as many as 54% of consumers have five passwords or fewer, while another 28% reported using 6 to 10 passwords…

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