Nicole, you started out in chemistry and biological sciences before moving from orthopedics to digital forensics. What prompted you to pivot into the cyber world?
I actually get asked that question quite frequently, as my background has a little bit of everything; however, all of my experiences are centered on some type of science. I have always enjoyed researching and building from small ideas, so I knew that I wanted to pursue science in my undergraduate studies. Chemistry was the most inviting because it was so hands-on, and I knew I could focus on something I really enjoyed while taking the extra classes that would allow me to pursue the medical sciences. Once I graduated, I looked for a job in medical research and got the opportunity to experience the human-related aspect; however, I quickly realized that I wanted to go back to school and pursue a degree that allowed me to work in a setting where every day is different within the lab. It was actually a friend who told me that I should look into the forensic sciences because he felt like it was right up my alley, and I’m so grateful for his push.