Oxygen Forensics Provides Industry-Exclusive Support for DJI Cloud

Oxygen Forensics, a worldwide developer and provider of advanced forensic data examination tools for mobile devices, cloud services and drones, announced today that its flagship software product, Oxygen Forensic® Detective v. 10.1 can now obtain data from the DJI cloud, which is the data repository for all DJI drones. Oxygen Forensics does this through Oxygen Forensic® Cloud Extractor.With almost a million registered drones in the United States alone and much more all over the world, drones take pictures and video and even can transport packages. Law enforcement continues to review methods to acquire data from drones that are involved in illegal activities, especially GPS location data such as altitude, direction of travel, speed, and facial recognition data that can reveal the flight data of the drone. This information is sometimes stored on the drone itself, but in the case of drones manufactured by DJI, this digital information is also stored in the DJI cloud.

“Gathering data from the DJI cloud is a feature exclusive to Oxygen Forensics. From the DJI cloud, we can obtain important data from a drone that crashed or was physically damaged,” said Lee Reiber, COO, Oxygen Forensics, Inc. “The DJI cloud is critical since it stores all the serial numbers of the drones associated with an account holder. If we can match serial numbers from the cloud to a specific device, then the authorities can find information about the owner of the drone.”

Oxygen Forensic® Detective is the only tool that allows forensics professionals the ability to extract and decode drone data from all possible sources: drones, the cloud and apps associated with drones. Drone data is transmitted and stored in either the user’s online account, the drone manufacturer’s cloud, or in some cases both locations. The additional data within the cloud represents a separate challenge for a mobile data forensics expert since manual extractions can be extremely complicated or just simply not possible for various reasons. With the use of Oxygen Forensic® Detective, experts are now able to access the drone cloud and extract the information about the account, the drone serial number, the flight history, and other associated metadata.

About Oxygen Forensics, Inc.
Oxygen Forensics was founded in 2000 as a PC-to-Mobile Communication software company. This experience has allowed the team of mobile device experts to become unmatched in understanding mobile device communication protocols. With this knowledge, the company has built innovative techniques into Oxygen Forensic® Detective allowing examiners to access much more critical information than competing forensic analysis tools. Oxygen Forensics delivers the most advanced forensic data examination tools for mobile devices, cloud services, and drones covering the widest range of mobile devices running iOS, Android, Windows Phone, BlackBerry and many others.

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