Oxygen Forensics releases the new and free Oxygen Forensic Viewer

Oxygen Forensics releases Oxygen Forensic Viewer, a stand-alone tool for viewing and sharing information collected with Oxygen Forensic Suite. Fast, easy and lightweight, Oxygen Forensic Viewer allows accessing the complete set of evidence, analyzing deleted data, examining suspects’ communications and locating all types of evidence with built-in search. While the tool is available to licensed users of Oxygen Forensic Suite, the Suite itself is not required for installing and using Oxygen Forensic Viewer.

Effectively, Oxygen Forensic Viewer is a perfect tool for sharing information with colleagues and coworkers, enabling easy access to evidence collected with Oxygen Forensic Suite without additional costs and learning curve.Sharing Evidence Collected with Oxygen Forensic Suite

Oxygen Forensic Viewer is a stand-alone companion product for Oxygen Forensic Suite. The tool allows Oxygen customers to share data collected during the investigation from more than 9000 devices by transferring digital evidence to others. The Viewer allows users of Oxygen Forensic Suite to pass digital evidence along to colleagues and coworkers who don’t have access to the full Oxygen Forensic Suite. All essential information including applications, passwords and communications is easily accessible in Oxygen Forensic Viewer, while the powerful searching and filtering allow finding required evidence in a snap.

The new Oxygen Forensic Viewer greatly enhances the value of Oxygen Forensic Suite by enabling customers to share evidence with those who are not using the Suite. Installing and using Oxygen Forensic Viewer is possible even on computers that have no Oxygen Forensic Suite installed.

Viewing Evidence on Computers Without Oxygen Forensic Suite

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Oxygen Forensic Viewer is a stand-alone product that does not require Oxygen Forensic Suite to be installed. As a result, Oxygen Forensic Viewer can be passed along with an *.ofb backup (created and exported with Oxygen Forensic Suite) to colleagues and coworkers who don’t have the Suite installed.

While Oxygen Forensic Viewer is by no means a full replacement to powerful analytics found in Oxygen Forensic Suite, it offers easy access to data from all major sections one can find in the main product including Applications, Passwords, Web Connections and Search. Users of Oxygen Forensic Viewer can access all forensically important data such as contacts, chats, calls, images, passwords, locations, and more, from all major sources. Customers will be able to examine forensically important communications and shared files from installed applications and find evidence using powerful search and filtering functions.

About Oxygen Forensic Viewer

Oxygen Forensic Viewer enables forensic experts work with Oxygen Forensic Suite databases without loading the main product. Offering easy-to-use interface with powerful filtering and searching, Oxygen Forensic Viewer is a perfect tool when one needs to share their findings with colleagues and coworkers who don’t have Oxygen Forensic Suite installed.

Oxygen Forensic Viewer is available free of charge to all licensed users of Oxygen Forensic Suite. The tool can be passed to others in order to enable access to evidence exported by Oxygen Forensic Suite. The Viewer can be downloaded from Oxygen’s Web site by all Oxygen Forensic Suite licensed customers at no additional cost.

System Requirements

Oxygen Forensic Viewer runs in 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows Vista, Windows 7, 8, and 8.1. The tool has minimal hardware requirements, and only needs 15 MB of disk space to install.

About Oxygen Forensics, Inc.

Founded in 2000, Oxygen Forensics is the worldwide leading maker of the advanced forensic data examination tools for smartphones and other mobile devices. The company is dedicated to delivering the most universal forensic solution covering the widest range of mobile devices running Android, iOS, Blackberry, Windows Phone, Symbian and other operating systems. Law enforcement and government agencies, institutions, corporations and private investigators, help desk personnel and thousands of private consumers rely on Oxygen Forensics products to ensure evidence availability in the event of mobile device data analysis and recovery. Oxygen Forensics customers include various US and European federal and state agencies such as the IRS, US Army, US Department of Defense (DOD), US Department of Justice, US Department of Homeland Security, US Department of Transportation, US Postal Service, US Supreme Court, European Commission, London Metropolitan Police, French National Police and Gendarmerie, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Ernst & Young, and many others. As a result, Oxygen Forensic Suite receives great response at forensic conferences, exhibitions and trainings, and occupies a spot on the top of the list in relevant tests for extracting more data than competitors.

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More information about Oxygen Forensics and its forensic solutions is available at www.oxygen-forensic.com

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