Release of Analyze 19.2 – Boosting the AI power

Griffeye Brain is one of our most advanced and innovative technologies in the Analyze platform. Now we can proudly announce that it has been boosted even further. From today, Griffeye Brain is GPU-accelerated which in this case means significantly higher performance and accuracy. And what’s more, we are also releasing the full version of our Objects classifier.

Griffeye Brain Objects automatically detects various objects and details in images at import, and then bookmarks and sorts the images into a hierarchy of classes. It also has the capacity to identify multiple objects in one single image, making it even easier to navigate and prioritize case data by content of interest and further find relationships.

This means that Griffeye Brain is now made up of two core solutions: The CSA classifier and the Object classifier. To learn how to use it, here’s a quick video explaining how it works.

Other improvements and updates

In addition to Griffeye Brain, we’ve also added a neat time-line filter control plus a number of improvements and updates that will hopefully make your daily work smoother. Go to the release notes to find out more.

READ MORE: Multi-object detection – Now in Griffeye Brain

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