Techno Forensics 2005, Gaithersburg, Maryland

November 28-30, 2005, NIST Headquarters, Gaithersburg, Maryland

The Inaugural Techno Forensics conference will be sponsored by the Institute of Computer Forensics Professionals (ICFP) and Hosted by NIST. The conference is founded on the principles of standardization in the field of digital evidence. The conference will cover many of the general disciplines in the areas of digital evidence to include some of the latest information on software and hardware solutions.
Unlike other forensic conferences that are limited to law enforcement only or are vendor specific in nature, this conference will be open to everyone currently involved in computer forensics, digital evidence, or anyone having an interest in the rapidly growing field of computer forensics.
Topics will include: Fundamentals of acquisitions, Theory of a Terabyte and preparing for it, Building a forensics lab, fly away kits, black bag forensics, e-discovery and 10 special instructor lead labs on Forensics for Fat File, NTFS File System, Macintosh based, Linux based, Cellular, Handheld, Intrusion Detection, Microsoft Network, Wireless, and two more sessions for Modern Digital law and Digital Evidence Handling and much more to be annouced shortly.
Details and Online Registration is available at or call 410.703.0332

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