The CSI Effect – Expectations Vs Limitations

by James Zjalic

Much has been written about the CSI phenomenon within digital forensics circles, but is there a way we as experts can reduce this effect, maybe not globally but at least amongst our own clients? In just the last couple of weeks, I’ve had requests to enhance a speaker on the other end of the phone, on a recording in which the voice on the other end of the phone sounded like something you would hear on a cartoon. It had the rhythm of somebody speaking but that’s about all it had going for it. Another request asked to enhance a video recording in which the two individuals were seated at a distance, in a dark room, with sunlight streaming through a window across the camera lens and a lamp in front of one of the individuals faces. A third and final example is being asked to enhance the screen of a mobile phone from pictures of said mobile phone. That shouldn’t be a problem you think. Until you consider the pictures were being taken from distances of over a meter of a phone that was turned away from the camera lens.

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