What cops need to know about Apple’s iOS 8 lockout

In mid-September, Apple rolled out iOS 8 for users of the more recent models of the iPhone, iPad, and Mac computers. Among many changes was a statement from Apple CEO Tim Cook that Apple would no longer assist law enforcement agencies in unlocking iPhones and iPads. Actually, Apple’s claim is that they cannot assist law enforcement in this way, because iOS 8 encrypts the data on the device with a key linked to the user’s passcode, and that passcode is not transmitted to Apple. This saves Apple from being in the middle of a subpoena/search warrant war, as they can’t give the police what they do not have. Privacy advocates lauded Apple for taking this position.

Analysis by iOS forensics experts indicates that Apple is speaking the truth. Apple doesn’t have the key to unlock a device running iOS 8. However, that doesn’t always mean that the cops can’t get access…

Read More (PoliceOne.com)

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