Oxygen Forensic Complete Training

Reviewed by Brad Robin Introduction This review will be based solely on the Oxygen Forensic Complete Training class that occurred in Lafayette, Louisiana between April 19-21, 2016. Coming into this class my knowledge of the Oxygen Forensic Detective program was

Registry Recon

Reviewed by Cheryl A. Purdy, MBA, A+, CCNA, CCAI, ACE, AME Executive Summary Registry Recon, developed by Arsenal Recon, is a powerful computer forensics tool used to extract, recover, and parse registry data from Windows systems. The process of manually

Nuix Foundations – Investigations Training, London

Reviewed by Scar de Courcier, Forensic Focus On the 21st and 22nd of March 2016, Nuix ran a Foundations Investigations Training course in London to introduce forensic examiners to Nuix 6.2.7. The course was aimed at people who were new

Cellebrite’s UFED Cloud Analyzer Product Review

Reviewer: Neil Beet, Blue Lights Digital Introduction The Cellebrite UFED Series has been our mobile device forensics product of choice over the past few years, both in the law enforcement environments we previously operated in, and now at Blue Lights

Lima Forensic Case Management, Laboratory Edition

Reviewer: Richard Bunnell, Digital Forensics, LLC Executive Summary Lima Laboratory is an amazing product. If I was on a medium to large digital forensics team, I would not hesitate to recommend that this product be purchased and used. A good

Cellebrite Certified Mobile Examiner Training and Certification

Reviewed by Clark Walton In January 2014, I took both the Cellebrite Certified Logical Operator (CCLO) and Cellebrite Certified Physical Analyst (CCPA) trainings in a one-week course held in Washington, DC and taught by Cellebrite Certified Instructor, Joe Duke. The

EnCase v7.10

Reviewed by George Karathanasis After receiving a call to provide an evaluation on EnCase Forensic v7 Software, I started thinking of my case work on computer and mobile forensic analysis and the all tools that I have used over the

HDDSurgery Samsung & Toshiba Ramp Set

Reviewed by Mitch Impey Introduction A few weeks ago I volunteered to do a review of the HddSurgery tools as I have been fascinated with the mechanics of hard drives since I started working with computers over 25 years ago.

Oxygen Forensics’ DETECTIVE Mobile Device Forensics Suite

Reviewed by Matt Edmondson Recently I saw an email from ForensicFocus.com seeking a volunteer to write a review for Oxygen Forensics’ DETECTIVE Mobile Device Forensics Suite. I have quite a bit of mobile device forensics experience, but mostly using other

Magnet IEF

Reviewed by Steve Robles Internet Evidence Finder (referenced hereinafter as “IEF”) is a computer and mobile forensics tool developed by Jad Saliba of Magnet Forensics, formerly JAD Software. I first began experimenting with this tool in 2011 when the company

Practical Mobile Forensics

Reviewed by Scar de Courcier, Forensic Focus Considering that there are separate books – indeed, whole genres – devoted to Android and iOS forensics specifically, writing a single tome that covers mobile forensics in a meaningful way is an ambitious

Learning Android Forensics

Reviewed by Scar de Courcier, Forensic Focus Learning Android Forensics was written by Rohit Tamma and Donnie Tindall, and aims to provide a thorough introduction to the forensic analysis of smartphones running the Android operating system, from the initial setup

ReclaiMe Pro

Reviewed by Scar de Courcier I would be tempted to argue that you can tell a lot about a piece of software by how easy it is to install. There are times when finding, downloading and installing a product update

AccessData FTK Advanced Live Online Training

Reviewed by Scar de Courcier, Forensic Focus On the 11th-13th of August 2015, AccessData ran a live online training course to teach FTK users how to get the most out of the software solution. The course was aimed at people

Learning iOS Forensics

Reviewed by Scar de Courcier, Forensic Focus Learning iOS Forensics is a practical textbook that aims to help digital forensics examiners of all levels to get to grips with the procedures involved in forensically analysing iOS devices. The book opens

Mobile Phone Examiner Plus (MPE+) – Part 2

Reviewed by Si Biles, Thinking Security One of the things that I love about being in IT is that it is an ever changing field. I find myself coming across new things daily. This even occasionally applies to my own