Forensic Imaging of Hard Disk Drives- What we thought we knew

By Todd G. Shipley and Bryan Door (A complete copy of this white paper and its figures and diagrams can be found at WHAT WE HAVE BEEN TAUGHT Imaging of hard drives has been the main stay of the

Data Recovery Handling Tips & ESD Precaution

First published April 2005 by ActionFront Data Recovery Labs Data Recovery Handling Tips & ESD Precaution Mishandling is a leading cause of hard disk drive failure. ESD (Electrostatic Discharge) A familiar form of Electrostatic Discharge, often called “static electricity”,

Beware Do-it-Yourself Data Recovery Solutions and Products

First published April 2005 by ActionFront Data Recovery Labs Do-It-Yourself data recovery software may complicate your problems and diminish the prospects of a successful recovery. The object of many fix/doctor/repair programs is to try to make the drive, file-system

Hard Drive Crash? The Essential Data Recovery Report

First published January 2005 by Greg Duffield Your worst nightmare just became a horrifying reality. You keep hearing that little voice in your head mockingly shout “you should have backed that stuff up” The voice keeps echoing throughout your head