Deepfake Detection Made Easier with Amped Authenticate

By Marco Fontani, Forensics Director at Amped Software Amped Software releases a new update to Amped Authenticate and adds deepfake detection capabilities, which increases the already broad coverage of Authenticate for localizing forgeries. In this article, you will learn more

March’s Spread of Digital Forensics Research Examines Implementation

A human hand holding a pen and a robot hand scan a paper document in front of a judge's gavel and the scales of justice
Apart from the papers presented at the Digital Forensics Research Workshop (DFRWS), March also saw additional work from around the globe. This month’s roundup takes a look at: Integrating cognitive psychology into forensic practiceResearch exploring how digital forensic evidence is

Towards Deep Fake Video Detection Using PRNU Based Method

Manoranjan Mohanty: Hello, everyone, and thanks for watching this video. This video is about our paper “Towards Deep Fake Video Detection Using PRNU-Based Method”. This work was done in collaboration with UTS and University of Auckland. So, deep fake video

Martino Jerian, Founder & CEO, Amped Software

Martino, some years have passed since we last talked with you! What’s changed for Amped and its customers? What’s the same? Yes, time definitely flies. In the past few years we have grown a lot, as of today we sold