Introducing Magnet OUTRIDER 4.0: Now With iOS Support

Magnet Forensics is excited to announce that Magnet OUTRIDER now supports triage of iOS devices! This is in addition to already existing triage support of Windows, Macs, and external drives, as well as Android mobile devices. Also with Magnet OUTRIDER

Using Magnet IGNITE to Accelerate Breach Response Cases

8th July 2022 by Magnet Forensics Our customers need these answers as quickly as possible to minimize business interruption and Magnet IGNITE has enabled us to provide them hours—and sometimes days—earlier.”— Michael Nelson, Managing Partner , CYBIR CYBIR is a

Exploring Detego’s Multiple Deployment Options

A triptych of images shows a mobile lab, two soldiers in a desert environment, and a corporate conference room
It’s no secret that the rapid pace of digital transformation is placing increasing pressure on digital forensic investigators. For years, the technology landscape has been introducing new devices capable of holding and managing larger amounts of data, from tablets and

MSAB’s Simon Crawley on the Importance of Frontline Forensics

Christa: Time is of the essence when field extractions of mobile devices are needed, but so are forensically sound extractions as strong links along the chain of custody. Today the Forensic Focus podcast welcomes Simon Crawley, a senior consultant with

Is More Efficient, Accessible Memory Forensics Possible?

Christa: Memory forensics is a mainstay of incident response. Its relevance and necessity only growing with time, as encryption technology has become more integrated, especially in consumer devices. Yet memory forensics is neither intuitive nor simple. Looking to change that