Belkasoft Improves GrayKey Support In v.9.9

Belkasoft is releases the new v.9.9 of its leading computer, mobile, cloud and remote forensics tool, Belkasoft Evidence Center 2020. In the new release, the product offers improved correctness and speed of analysis of GrayKey images (and zip-based data sources

iOS Acquisition Without Jailbreak With Belkasoft v.9.8

New version of Belkasoft Evidence Center v.9.8 is released with a number of fresh features, including significant improvements related to acquisition of iPhones and iPADs: – Acquisition of iOS devices with checkra1n jailbreak installed (No Cydia install is required!)– For

Brett Shavers: I Took Belkasoft Evidence Center For A Spin Around the Block

Brett Shavers from reviewed Belkasoft Evidence Center (BEC). The review was dedicated to the latest version of BEC as an all-in-one digital forensic solution, which supports mobile and computer forensics as well as memory, cloud, and remote investigations. Among

Sneak Peak Of New Belkasoft Evidence Center 2020

Belkasoft announces the upcoming release of its Belkasoft Evidence Center 2020 v.9.7. The new version significantly expands the mobile forensics and remote acquisition. Among new features are acquisition of MTK based devices; acquisition via MTP/PTP protocols; iTunes backups support for

Belkasoft Evidence Center 9.6 — Fresh Update With Brand New Features

A fresh version of Belkasoft‘s flagship digital forensics product Belkasoft Evidence Center has recently been released. The 9.6 version combines an affordable price with a range of timely updates based on the most important industry developments. More details on what’s

Belkasoft Evidence Center 9.5 Aims To Help In Corporate Investigations

Belkasoft releases a major update to Belkasoft Evidence Center, the company’s flagship digital forensic solution. The new release adds a number of features to help IT security staff analyze incidents and perform remote investigations, investigate hacking attempts and analyze evidence

Sneak Peek Of Belkasoft Evidence Center (BEC) v.9.5

Belkasoft is about to roll out one of the biggest updates of its flagship digital forensic tool in last few years. The company’s BEC (Belkasoft Evidence Center), which combines mobile, computer, RAM and cloud forensics in one product, now gets

Digital Forensic Training From Belkasoft

Great news from Belkasoft: In addition to on-site digital forensic trainings, we are adding Live Online classes on BEC 2019! We have also added more dates and locations for 2019 on-site trainings. The updated schedule is below:• 3-day Certified Training,

Belkasoft Customer Survey Extended

Recent Belkasoft customer survey gathered such exciting feedback that the company decided to extend it to Jan 15. The previous survey winner is already awarded a full license of BEC (Belkasoft Evidence Center), the company’s flagship computer, mobile, and cloud

Customers Speak On Belkasoft Products

This article combines a number of recent testimonials on Belkasoft Evidence Center. The new version 2018 (8.5 and 8.6) was a definite success and a number of users expressed their positive opinion on this mobile, computer and cloud forensics tool.

Belkasoft: Focus on Usability 2017

Ten years ago, when Belkasoft was just about to start its digital forensic journey, investigation tools were focused on the results only. They were far from being handy, and extensive training was required in order to use these tools effectively.

10 Reasons To Use Belkasoft Evidence Center

Evidence Center is an all-in-one digital forensic solution by Belkasoft – leading forensic software manufacturer. Why do you need this product in your investigator’s toolset? 1. Belkasoft Evidence Center (BEC) supports both computer and mobile forensics2. BEC recovers all available

Belkasoft And Belkasoft Evidence Center: 2017 Recap

In this post we would like to review most interesting news about Belkasoft Evidence Center (BEC), leading digital forensic product by Belkasoft. This year was a definite success for Belkasoft. The company reported substantial revenue growth what allowed increasing amount

Belkasoft Annual Customer Survey – Complete And Win!

There is a good New Year tradition at Belkasoft to conduct Customer Survey at the end of the year. Before we all dissolve in the holidays rush, there is still some time to meditate on what was good this year

Belkasoft CyberMonday Offer

CyberMonday Deal from Belkasoft! Download the new version 8.6 of Belkasoft Evidence Center and learn about Secret Deal! More details: