Customers Speak On Belkasoft Products

This article combines a number of recent testimonials on Belkasoft Evidence Center. The new version 2018 (8.5 and 8.6) was a definite success and a number of users expressed their positive opinion on this mobile, computer and cloud forensics tool.

Krzysztof Bogucki, expert witness, and forensic investigator, Poland: “How Belkasoft Evidence Center helped me to succeed”

Recently, I worked on a case involving extorting loans over the internet. I had to examine several desktops and laptops in terms of the activity of their users on the Internet. The amount of information (artifacts) that writes the operating system to disk with such activity is huge. I had a hard and tedious work waiting for me to analyze the data and use a lot of different tools.

Due to the nature of the illegal activity, there was a suspicion that the data on the disk could have been removed or cleaned. So, the scope of the work was to recover deleted files and analyze them. In my research, I had to include not only artifacts from web browsers.

Information from instant messengers, e-mails and douments could also prove important.

Having such a specific goal and the scope of the research, I could do all the necessary tasks manually using a dozen or so different tools. However, it would take me a very long time and would force me to spend many hours in the process of obtaining data for analysis.

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Being an active user of the BEC software, I knew that BEC had all the functions I needed.

The data collection for analysis with BEC was limited to connecting the disk and selecting the elements that interested me. After finishing the work by BEC, I received an orderly set of data that I could browse, search and sort. I love working so efficiently. And what is important in the work of computer forensics, BEC allowed me to export relevant data to the format that was me needed.

The use of BEC saved me many hours of tedious work, thanks to which I could focus on the result and not on the way to it. A job with such a powerful tool as BEC will be appreciated by anyone who has experienced the hardships of working with electronic proofs and Internet artifacts.

C.M. “Mike” Adams, Owner and Senior Forensics Examiner at Prime Focus Forensics: “First let me say that the new BEC version is a significant improvement in many ways”

Not only for memory management, but it also does a much better job of keeping the examiner informed and makes it easier for the examiner to find the data. It looks better and it works better.

It has made my job a bit easier and faster. Thanks to all!

Jiri Holoska, Ph.D., Assistant Professor at University of Economics, Prague: “The most important part of the experience for the students was the intuitive and automated processing of acquired digital evidence.”

As a forensic analyst, I like Belkasoft Evidence Center for its wide support of instant messaging clients and mobile phone artifacts including JTAG dumps. Combination of the broad range of artifacts, ease of use, ability to export processed data to Belkasoft Reader for client’s review and helpful support makes BEC product of choice for many forensic practitioners.

From the position of lecturer at a university, I had a chance to introduce BEC to the students during Digital Forensics class. The most important part of the experience for the students was the intuitive and automated processing of acquired digital evidence. Students were introduced the ultimately different approach for artifacts processing, as they could simply load an evidence file, choose artifact types they want to analyze and let BEC do the difficult part of data processing and information interpretation. Automated processing altogether with simple to use user interface, allowed them to process and analyze non-trivial class assignments without any significant guidance and within limited time dedicated to hands-on exercises.

Pablo, Arsal security information, Argentina

It's a good and potent tool; I recommend it to everyone who is starting with forensic investigations because this tool is very intuitive and useful.

Jesus Tadeo, Policia Federal, Ciudad de Mexico

Evidence Center is an excellent tool for the analysis of the digital evidence which goes hand in hand with expensive tools such as FTK and EnCase.

Jamie Meaney, Student, Ireland

I downloaded Belkasoft as I was looking for a cost-effective and complete package, I am currently studying an MSc in Computer Forensics and I have found it useful in my studies.

Dr. Cosimo de Pinto, Chief Forensic Examiner at De.Mi. Business, Rome, IT

I deal with computer forensics since 1990. I had the chance to try the Evidence Center functionality and enjoyed carving and reporting. All my questions were promptly addressed by the excellent and valuable technical support.

All in all, a positive experience that I highly recommend.

Mossaraf Zaman Khan, GFSU, India: “It really helps us to solve the hidden crime”

I am a Cyber Forensic Professional. I’m using Belkasoft Evidence Centre for analyzing volatile memory. Belkasoft RAM Capturer is also good to capture the memory. Evidence Center helps to easily find the hidden artifacts. And the best thing is it divides the artifacts in category wise. This product of Belkasoft takes the volatile memory analysis to the next level.

Thank you, Belkasoft Team, for this amazing product.

* More customer feedback on BEC at
* Download free trial of BEC at
* More on BEC:

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