BlackBag® Technologies is pleased to announce this year’s major release of BlackLight®, their comprehensive Windows, Android, iPhone/iPad and Mac forensic analysis software. Update your software or renew your license!
To make casework easier, BlackLight 2017 R1 features include:
-Export media to LACE, C4ALL, and Project VIC formats for further analysis
-Support for EML formatted email files, included on the easy Communication view
-Identify ‘Recent’ documents and applications from Mac OS 10.11 and 10.12
-Latest phones and operating systems, including iPhone 8, iOS 11 and Android 8.0
Learn more about the latest BlackLight release.
BlackLight® 2017 R1 now provides law enforcement with an even tighter integration with the tools needed to identify victims in child exploitation cases. This update includes support for exporting evidence to BlueBear LACE, Project VIC (v1.1, v1.2, and v1.3), and C4All data models in addition to ongoing support for filtering of known images. By providing integrated support for these widely used tools, examiners involved in child exploitation cases will save time and can focus their resources more effectively. Evidence that contains pictures and videos can be exported to these formats, and then imported into the respective utility for further processing.
We have listened to our customers and are now offering more email support through BlackLight® to assist in criminal, civil and internal investigations. Investigators are now able to ingest .eml files acquired from a live system and view them in BlackLight®’s ‘Communication’ view. This new feature adds to the already powerful ‘Communication’ view. Earlier releases of BlackLight allow examiners to see a full log of calls, voicemails, social media activity, and more. By adding .eml support, BlackLight® 2017 R1 extends that extensive recovery of messages to even more sources, with additional formats coming in future releases.
By importing an image of a OS 10.11 or OS 10.12 system into BlackLight® 2017 R1, examiners are now able to view which documents have recently been opened and which applications recently used. BlackLight® parses these files and displays the content within the ‘Actionable Intel – Recent Items’ view. These records will give examiners a clearer picture of recent activity on the system, allowing them to shed light on further data points that can be attributed to a user’s actions.
The continuous release of new phones and operating systems cause ongoing challenges for the digital forensic community. Here at BlackBag®, we continue to work to support all the devices and systems that our customers encounter in the field. This BlackLight® release supports the latest phones and operating systems, including iPhone 8 and devices running iOS 11, or Android 8.0 (Oreo). BlackLight® 2017 R1 will properly identify the device so a full or limited collection can be conducted.
BlackBag® Technologies offers innovative forensic acquisition and analysis tools for both Windows and Mac OS X based computers, as well as iOS and Android mobile devices. Its forensic software is used by hundreds of federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies around the world, as well as by leading corporations and consultants, to investigate all types of digital evidence associated with both criminal, civil and internal investigations. BlackBag® Technologies also develops and delivers expert forensics training and certification programs, designed for both novice and experienced forensics professionals.
For more information, please visit us at