The schedule for the Conference on Digital Forensics to be held in Las Vegas at the Imperial Palace Hotel on April 20 and 21 is planned as follows (click “Read More” below)…THURSDAY
09:30am-11:00am Registration & Continental Breakfast
11:00am-12:00pm session I
1) Cyber Crime Data Warehousing – Il-Yeol Song, Drexel University
2) Building a forensics case repository for the DoD Computer Crime Center
– David Biros, Oklahoma State University
12:15pm-01:30pm Welcome & Lunch (buffet lunch provided)
Sponsored by Longwood University
01:45pm-03:00pm session II
1) Cyber Forensics Field Triage Process Model – Marcus K. Rogers, Purdue
University 2) Forensic Software Tools for Cell Phone – Wayne Jansen,
National Institute of Standards and Technology
03:00pm-03:30pm Break (refreshments provided)
03:30pm-04:30pm session III
1) A Curriculum for Teaching Information Technology Investigative
Techniques for Auditors – Grover Kearns, University of South Florida 2)
Information Security in Systems Analysis and Design – Panel Discussion
David Biros, Oklahoma State University
08:00am-9:00am Continental Breakfast
09:00am-10:15am session V
1) Forensic Scene Documentation Using Mobile Technology – Ibrahim Baggili,
Purdue University 2) Development and Delivery of Coursework:
Legal/Regulatory/Policy Environment of Cyber-Forensics – John W. Bagby,
Pennsylvania State University
10:15am-10:45am Break (refreshments provided)
10:45am-11:45am session VI
1) A Tale of Two Daemons – mwcollect – Craig Valli, Edith Cowan University
2) Do current erasure programs remove evidence of BitTorrent activity? –
Andrew Woodward and Craig Valli, Edith Cowan University
12:00pm-01:30pm Lunch (buffet lunch provided)
01:30pm-03:00pm session VII
1) Towards Understanding Digital Forensics – Michael Gendron, Central
Connecticut State University 2) General meeting covering topics of
interest of the ADFSL, JDFSL and conference
Additional details on the conference may be found at the following link: