CTIN14 – Computer Technology Investigators Network is having another Digital Forensics and CyberSecurity conference March 24-26, 2014
www.ctinconference.org : $350 for 3 days of training and education in digital forensics. Speakers include experts and published authors in the field of digital forensics and cybersecurity.
Topics include: Internet Forensics, Cell Towers, Observation Skills, Mac Forensics, Ethics, E-Discovery, Volume Shadow Services, Data Recovery and more. Door prizes include forensic software suites from various commercial vendors.KeyNote
Don’t Let Your Tools Make You Stupid (Troy Larson);
Other topics
Mac Forensics 101 and 201 (Allison Goodman and Ryan Kubasiak); E-Discovery and International Law and Comparing E-Discovery Software (Amelia Phillips); Anatomy of Banking Trojans (Anna Truss and Paul Padilla); Mobile Device Forensics: Application Analysis Tools and Techniques (Brandon Leatha and Arnold Garcia); Ethics (Brian Muchinsky); Electronic Evidence/ Case Law, Exercising Your Incident Response Plan, and Legal Considerations around Mobile Computing in the Workplace (David Matthews); Mobile Device Forensics (David Stenhouse); Volume Shadow Services (VSS) in Microsoft Operating Systems (Fred Wiechmann); Encryption, Timelines and Jumpbag, and Photography and Dumb Things I Have Done in Court (Gordon Mitchell); Defragging the Defrag (John Cotton); Data Recovery (Beyond the Software), Why The Bad Guys Win, Web Page Reconstruction, Fly Away Kits, and Computer Forensics in the Court Room (Kevin Ripa); An Analysis of Microsoft Event Logs (Michelle Mullinex); C3CM – Defeating the Command, Control, and Communications of Digital Assailants and Understanding Web Application Security Attacks for Investigators (Russ McRee); I Spy With My Little Eye and GPS Technology (Terry Lahman); Digital Forensics and Incident Response/Compromise Investigations (Troy Larson); Potential for Volatile Memory Persistence (Walter Hart)
Please see www.ctinconference.org for more information regarding registration.
For vendor/sponsor possibilities, see Randall Karstetter at rkarstetter@computronics.net
For speaking opportunities, please see Vickie Brazil at vbrazil@ctin.org
About CTIN
CTIN has been providing high tech crime fighting training since 1996 in the areas of high-tech security, investigation, and prosecution of high-tech crimes for both private and public sector security and investigative personnel and prosecutors. CTIN is a 501© non-profit association.