Digital Forensics News December 2017

The latest issue of Digital Investigations is out now.

Oxygen have added 20 new features to Oxygen Forensic Detective X, which was released in November.

Paraben have released a new version of their E3 Platform, with increased forensic capabilities.

The call for presentations for the SANS DFIR summit in June is now open; closing on the 15th of January.

Belkasoft have released Evidence Center 2018, which supports more cloud and memory forensics.MobilEDIT’s latest version has a number of new features, including a live updates feature.

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MSAB are partnering with Kovar & Associates for increased drone forensics capabilities.

BlackBag have released Mobilyze 2017 R1.1.

Magnet have released a new white paper on Android Nougat forensics.

Atola’s new artifact search feature allows users to easily find what they’re looking for with Atola Insight Forensic.

Cellebrite have released updates to three of their solutions: UFED Physical Analyzer, UFED Logical Analyzer, and Reader.

OpenText have a new video about fighting child exploitation with digital forensics.

Over at Forensic Methods, you can find a SANS Memory Forensics cheat sheet.

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