Evidence Gathering For Network Security And Forensics

Dinil Mon Divakaran discusses his research at DFRWS EU 2017.

Divakaran: Good morning, everyone. My name is Dinil Mon Divakaran, and this work is with three other authors – Kar Wai, Ido, and Vrizlynn. We are from the A Star Institute for Infocomm Research. And as has been introduced, [00:25] Evidence Gathering for Network Security and Forensics.

So I think [00:30] takeaways from yesterday’s dinner talk was that [00:37] evidence, right? [00:42] trying to figure out if they can say something with more number of evidences. Before I start, I also would like to say that [00:57] [active borders between security and forensic attributes], kind of similar in many network security and forensic work that at least I am involved in. In the sense that the solution can be used for forensic analysis, can also be used for security analysis, offline, online, and real-time [01:19].

Read the full transcript and watch the video here.

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