F-Response Beta Program

Agile Risk Management LLC announces today the start of an official F-Response Beta Testing program. In order to become a part of the F-Response Beta Testing program, registered customers should send an email to F-Response Support (support _at_ f-response.com) with the subject Beta Testing, and provide their current F-Response Dongle (FOB) hardware ID number…F-Response(www.f-response.com ) is Agile Risk Management LLC’s patent pending solution to remote computer forensics and e-discovery. F-Response enables virtually any eDiscovery, data recovery or forensics tool to be used over an IP network. It works by creating a network connection between the live subject machine and the examiner’s machine via raw (all sectors), physical, read-only access to the drives on the subject machine. Examiners can now conduct analysis of a subject computer over an IP network using their tools of choice.

“We truly believe the F-Response customer base represents some of the most innovative, forward thinking, and trusted members of the International Computer Forensics community. We know they will have a hand in shaping the future of this industry, just as much as they are an integral part in molding the future of F-Response.” stated Matthew Shannon Principal of Agile Risk Management, LLC.

To become part of the F-Response Beta Testing program you must be a registered F-Response customer and send an email to F-Response Support (support _at_ f-response.com) with the subject Beta Testing, and containing your current F-Response Dongle (FOB) hardware ID number. When beta software is available for download, registered Beta Testers will be provided a direct link to the un-released software.

Agile Risk Management LLC & F-Response

F-Response is a Trademark of Agile Risk Management, LLC, headquartered in Tampa, FL. Agile is a premium provider of information security consulting services as well as the sole owner of the F-Response Remote Computer Forensics and e-Discovery Software Suite. Founded in 2003, Agile Risk Management is committed to providing business value with uncompromised integrity.

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