Forensic Focus Forum Round-Up

Welcome to this month’s round-up of recent posts to the Forensic Focus forums.

Can you recommend a script for filling up NVMe storage drives with random data?

How do you find the date and time stamps of encrypted volumes mounted in Windows operating systems?

When you seize a computer, do you always check the BIOS time? Share your thoughts on the forum.

What tools would you recommend to acquire an image from a Macbook Pro?

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Forum members discuss running digital forensic investigations on Windows and Ubuntu servers.Forum members recommend methods to analyse hardware key loggers.

The House of Lords have published a new report on forensic science.

Can you help 4Rensics to image a Windows Surface RT?

Forum members help a new digital forensic analyst with questions about the Windows 10 NTFS file system.

How do you deal with clients who ask you to investigate their paranoid delusions?

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