Celebrating the breadth of achievements in the modern forensics industry, and examining the challenges the future will hold – that’s the aim of the Forensics Europe Expo Conference, to be held as part of Forensics Europe Expo, 24 – 25 April 2013.
The conference programme is split into two streams, reflecting the evolving nature of the forensics landscape. The Forensic Innovation stream addresses the ‘biological’ side of forensics, while the Digital Forensics stream looks at the ever-increasing role of computing, mobile and network investigation.
Forensics Europe Expo event director Phillip Hunter said the conference is unique in that it aims to bring together everyone across the forensics industry – providing an overview relevant to all forensics specialties…”The conference programme gives an overview of the full breadth of what forensic science actually means to the job of someone like a police scene of crime officer or an evidence collection team,” Hunter said.
“Delegates whose interest has been piqued by one of the conference sessions can then go on to the exhibition floor and talk to some of the people there about those specialties.”
Hunter says the conference aims to promote the sharing of best practice – an important goal in the wake of the closure of the Forensic Science Service in March 2012.
Forensic Innovation
The Forensics Innovation conference stream is helmed on day one by Dr Ann Priston, chair of the Forensic Science Society, and on day two by Prof Dr Arian C Van Asten, Department Head of the Netherlands Forensic Institute, and Ric Treble, Scientific Advisor at LGC Forensics.
Topics to be covered include the changing forensic landscape, crime scene investigation and examination, technology research and innovation, law enforcement application, ensuring the reliability and accuracy of evidence, innovation in forensic provision, DNA, and fingerprinting.
Speakers include Martin Bottomley, Head of Greater Manchester Major Crime Review Team, and DS Chris Holt of the Greater Manchester Police Major Incident Team; Professor Allan Jamieson, Director of The Forensic Institute; Dr Itiel Dror of the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience in the Department of Science, University College London; Andrew Wade, Lead Forensic Scientist at First Forensics; and Chief Constable Chris Sims, Forensic Science lead for the Association of Chief Police Officers and Chief Constable of West Midlands Police.
Digital Forensics
The Digital Forensics stream will look at topics including trends and challenges in mobile phone and computing forensics, cellsite analysis, research and innovation, law enforcement challenges, open source intelligence, and network forensics.
Chairmen of the Digital Forensics stream are Roy Isbell MSc IEng FIET FBCS CITP, Editor in Chief, Digital Forensics Magazine, and Deb Leary, OBE, Chief Executive of Forensic Pathways.
Speakers include Dr Neil Cohen, of the Home Office Centre for Applied Science and Technology (CAST), Andrew Beckett, Head of Consulting and Professional Services of Cassidian Cyber Security, and Dr Bart Custers, Project Leader Technology in Policing, Department of Security and Justice, The Netherlands.
There are limited places available with ½ day passes starting from £199+VAT so delegates are urged to book the final few places as soon as possible.
Register for either conference stream by visiting: http://www.forensicseuropeexpo.com/page.cfm/Link=29/t=m/goSection=7_32