With a strong commitment to helping thousands of its customers in law enforcement, military, government and corporate organizations retrieve Internet evidence from the broadest range of artifacts, JADsoftware has unveiled v5.5 of its industry leading data recovery software, Internet Evidence Finder (IEF). Digital forensic-firsts include support for Internet Explorer 10 and popular cloud-based applications including Dropbox, Google Docs, Google Drive, SkyDrive and Flickr.Additional enhancements include:
More Evidence
· Browser History: First in the industry to recover Internet Explorer 10 history
· Cloud Apps: Recovers evidence from Dropbox, Google Docs, Google Drive, SkyDrive & Flickr
· Social Networking: Additional enhancements for Twitter & Facebook
· Chat: now supports Skype 3
· Webmail: Improved support for Hotmail & Yahoo
· Filter out search terms from all recovered browser history
· v5.5 is 50-75% faster than previous versions
· Robust new architecture for improved scalability
Easier to Use
· A new, intuitive user interface – user can run a comprehensive search in 3 easy steps
· The ability to select and search multiple drives, images, files and folders in a single search
Improved Reporting
· Experience an updated and easier to use report viewer
· Search and filter data with multiple key words simultaneously
· View search results in real-time, including estimated time to completion
· Enjoy improved bookmarking, better sorting and exporting of data
· Import key word lists to search, including pre-set lists
IEF v5.5, including support for IE10 and cloud applications is available today at the current price of $999 USD. FREE trials will be available from www.jadsoftware.com/trial.
Existing IEF customers with Software Maintenance & Support (SMS) subscriptions can upgrade to IEF v5.5 for free by visiting the customer portal at www.jadsoftware.com/customer-portal. Customers without an SMS contract can email sales@jadsoftware.com or call 519-342-0195 for pricing.