The Forensic Dossier represents the sixth generation of computer forensic solutions from Logicube. This high-speed solution allows users to quickly capture data from SATA/IDE hard drives and a variety of flash media devices. The Dossier can capture data from one or two suspect drives to either one or two evidence drives simultaneously…The Dossier features:
-Capture and authenticate at speeds approaching 6GB/min
-Built-in support for capture from SATA/IDE hard drives, flash media and RAID pairs. Optional support for SCSI and SAS drives will be available late spring 2009
-Capture from unopened PC or MAC laptops/desktops via USB or firewire
-Capture a suspect drive to multiple DD image files
-Computes MD5 and SHA-256 has concurrently in real time at full capturing speeds
-Capture from DCO and HPA areas of the hard drive
-Supports eSATA and microSATA drives with optional cables
-Supports Solid State Drives
-Spanning feature allows you to capture from one large suspect drive to two smaller evidence drives
-Audit trail reporting
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